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When I saw that Matchaya was doing a Shirogoma (white sesame) ice cream flavour at their Takashimaya pop-up, I knew I had to make my way immediately for fear of it being sold out!

When you think Japanese sesame ice cream, what comes to mind immediately is Kurogoma (black sesame). Dark grey ice cream, a coarse texture, and an almost pungent aroma. It's like when you stand right at the edge of the sea and the scents of the sea hit you from every direction. But instead with a roasted, nutty, sesame scent.

Coming across Shirogoma ice cream is pretty rare. I unexpectedly liked this Shirogoma flavour a lot, much more than I do Kurogoma. This milky white ice cream retains the grainy texture of sesame ice cream, so you know, there's legit sesame in this. There is the same roasted, nutty fragrance. But this time it's lighter.

As if a gust of wind carrying the fragrance had gently scooped you up for a teeny moment. And before you've had time to lie back, it's dropped you back into a soft bed of moss and then gone on its way. You're left chasing after that gust of wind, chasing after the fragrance, spoon by spoon. With each spoon you think you've caught it, but just as you're starting to savour the sesame fragrance, the ice cream has melted into your throat, and you search for the flavour again in the next spoon. The flavour is delicate, soft and gentle and I could eat it forever and ever and never get tired of it.

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