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I love it when my favourite local flavours get reinvented into a new form. And I loved this Kaya soft serve ($5) by Singa Toasty that I got at this year's Singapore Design Week.

The ice cream was so rich and so kaya-y. How do I break down how Kaya tastes like and describe it in its components? I can't. I have always known Kaya as one coherent taste. And this ice cream is exactly it. It's like opening the fridge door, sticking your finger into the Kaya jar, and licking your finger. Just much creamier and colder.

And that crouton-esque bar of toast? The perfect complement to this deliciously rich and sweet soft serve.

The one tiny thing that is missing? Probably just a bit of butter that you would always get in the middle of your Kaya toast. Perhaps mixing it with some brown butter ice cream would have been the perfect way to incorporate the butter here.

$5 for Kaya toast? No, $5 to trigger many memories of making my own Kaya toast while on exchange in Copenhagen.

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